
Showing posts from January, 2018

My Research

Praveena Varasala,  Solomon Saawan Pudi ,  MANAGEMENT OF RARE LESIONS AND MASSES OF NOSE AND PARANASAL SINUSES – APPROACHES AND MODALITIES Dr.G.Harikrishna, Dr V.Ch.V.Siva Kumar,  Dr.Solomon Saawan , endoscopic management of patients attending to ent opd with benign lesions in nose and para nasal sinuses., Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 11 | November 2016 Praveena Varasala,  Solomon Saawan Pudi , Apuroop Jayakar S, clinical study of sudden sensorineural hearing loss, its etiology and outcome after steroid treatment, international journal of scientific research, Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2017

VIMS diaries

Was deputed to work at VIMS hospital Visakhapatnam from 1st Dec 2017 to 31 Jan 2018 along with my colleague Dr.Surya Sharan with the task of developing the Dept of ENT from scratch. We did face a few hurdles but finally managed to increase the OP to 60 patients per day. I performed the hospital's first ENT surgery, a tracheostomy at VIMS in DEC 2017.