Joining NHS -Doctors

So I felt it was very confusing, the whole, getting a job as a doctor in UK @NHS thing. So, I wanna simplify this for my junior colleagues who wanna make it here.

This is the order of training of people in UK:
foundation years 1, 2: Equal to our internship in India.
SHO: Junior Resident
Core training 1,2: Core training in surgery or medicine. Depending on your interest.
After core training you have to apply for speciality training. That is through ST3 training interviews or run through interviews.
Speciality training: ST1 - ST8 [If you finish MRCS/MRCP, you can apply for training at ST3 level]
Consultant: After ST8, you will have to apply for a certificate of completion of training. CCT. Then you become a consultant with a pretty huge salary.

People coming in by fellowship or MCH/MMED, MRCS/MRCP but not via training route [ST3 to ST8] will become consultants via CESR pathway. Certificate of eligibility of speciality registration.

Regarding the prerequisite: ENGLISH

Its simple and easy if you have a good grip of English.

You have to pass either UKVI Academic IELTS with a score of 7.5 /9 or
pass the OET English test.

UKVI academic is tough. Costs 18000rs. Involves listening , reading, writing and speaking. Writing and speaking is where most people flunk the exam. I know of many friends who have attempted the exam thrice or four times to pass it. Some with a good and basic grasp of the language and with a skill to blabber about just about anything under the sun, like a casual conversation, will be able to get through. Don't get me wrong but if your mother tongue isn't English, then your thinking and imagination is in your mother tongue and what you say is in English. So your sentences may be a true translation of what you think but it may not be the right way to say it in English.

I thought my English was pretty good and I could write poems or stories or essays and win elocution but most of the English we practice is american English and not British English. So, I learnt English after coming to UK the English way.

About pathways to come to UK:

1. PLAB:
There are two plab exams per year in India. You will have to pass the english exam to qualify to apply for the plab exam. Passing plab 1: theory will allow you to book Plab 2 OSCE. You will have to come to UK for that maybe, depending on whether there is a test centre near you or not. Passing the Plab will put you in a beautiful position where, if you just post on LinkedIN that you have passed PLAB, will result in getting a lot of calls for agencies in UK that wanna offer you a job as an SHO.
SHO is like a junior resident. Fresh out of MBBS. You can start here, work your way up the ladder.
I would recommend all people fresh out of MBBS, people not getting through stupid APPG, NEET or whatever crappy exam it go for PLAB and come over. Life will be much better and easier.
This is also the recommended route for people with diplomas and not MD or MS or DNB.
You can apply for a job as an SHO in the field you like or in the field thats available when you apply for job. Job availability can be checked by going to NHS jobs or BMJ jobs websites.

2.MRCS/MRCP pathway: Tier 2 visa. If you have the people skills and are very friendly, you will get through this. Coz cracking theory[step 1] isnt very difficult, but cracking OSCE is. There are OSCE training centres in India in Chennai. People who have passed DNB have an idea how OSCE works so they might get through well. OSCE is better than and not at all degrading like the MS/MD prac exams.
Say you pass both steps, again you can apply for a job through NHS jobs or BMJ jobs or post ur resume on LinkedIN and you will get a good job offer.
Ur salary will depend on ur experience. Ur log book from ur PG is very important here. Please bring it. After you come here and get the hang of things, apply for an ST3 training post in whichever field you want to go to. Technically, you are applying for training in that speciality again. But the good thing is.. ur salary is already high and it increases till ST8 and you become a consultant at the end and earn like crazy. If you leave after consultant level.. you will be paid huge amounts in middle east or Australia. This is the path recommended for people who are in PG training or have just passed PG and have the money to apply for MRCS and the determination to pass it.

3. MTI pathway: You will be given a Tier5 visa: student visa. Just google for MTI fellowships and apply. Good for physicians but not for surgeons. You wont be allowed to operate. This is clerical work only. You should plan to either finish MRCS or FRCS exam before you leave. I have friends who came to UK via MTI and finished FRCP grade exam while here on MTI and shifted to a much better job after MTI.
MTI should be seen as a low pay job which allows yu to come into the system. Get in. Finish MRCS/P or FRCS/P and settle down here or shift to a better country which will pay a lot bcoz of the UK experience on ur resume.

4. MCH/MMED pathway: Tier 2 visa. Details of this pathway are on my blog on a different blogpost. This is for people who did not know the other routes [like me] and are ready to spend around 35000 pounds on MCH/MMED degree and international travelling fellowship. You have to write IELTS but after you come here you might have to do MRCS or FRCS and apply for consultant post via CESR pathway in the end.

Few things about UK: [To make sense and keep things in context.. I am Indian by origin]
Climate is very cold. People are warm. There is less racism here than in India. [Indians here say, compared to racist Indians, Hitler was a pussy]. People are multicultural and there will be Europeans, Americans, Africans, Asians and Latinos. Pakistanis are our best friends here coz we speak the same and eat the same and they look out for us like we are their brothers. Sorry to burst your patriotic bubble there. You cant get Indian food in you area unless enough Pakistanis live there. I live in Ashton in Manchester and I have both Gujarati and Pakistani stores where i live so life is very easy for me. Food is multicultural as well. I now eat noodles, pizza, pasta, Thai food, Mexican food apart from Indian. Its rice in the afternoon and something else at night kind of.

As a Middle grade[Equivalent to ST4], I do 3 sessions of Operating theatre, 4 sessions of clinics, 2 sessions of SPA per week. Each session is like morn to afternoon or afternoon to evening. Abt 3.5 hrs each. SPA is special programmed activity where, you check you letters that you send to patients and their GPs after you see them, their test results, the next theatre list and their reports, research and audits, reflect on what you have seen and learnt[GMC wants you to do that and put it on hosp website to make sure you are developing]. This is different for different levels of work and different hospitals. Some hospitals don't have night duties, some have too many. I have 1 night duty per week for which i have to be within 3 miles of the hospital. I you stay at a district hospital, ur night duties will be relaxed and you will get a call rarely. But, this results in slower training and CESR. People in Ortho and Medicine are crazy like animals here as well. No different from home. But once your duty is over, you are not bothered. It feels nice that i finish work everyday at 5 and then i relax in the evening doing whatever i feel like.

Climate will result in seeing the sun or sunlight once a week at the most and you will have weight loss due to Vitamin D deficiency. If you are pissed off with 42 degrees Celsius in Andhra and wanna escape to a colder climate then this is your escape.

Now the CONS: You cant suddenly get up, grab ur bike keys, mobile, wallet and wear ur sandals and run out to meet ur friends at a moment's notice. U have to wear a windbreaker, thermals if required in winter, proper shoes and then go out. That is something i don't feel happy about. In Visakhapatnam, I lived 1.5 km from the beach. My house was 1 km from my gym. Shops were everywhr. More and spencers were supermarkets close by. I wd jump on my bike and ride it like the 'streethawk' [90's serial. If you don't get it then you are too young] and reach the beach for cake cutting at midnight or get milk and eggs fro my mom or go watch a movie with ease.

But here, I have to wear layers of clothes, get into my car and go find a proper parking place and then watch a movie without whistling or howling. [Its very clear here about movie manners. No phones or talking during a movie. No whistling, shouting, howling. People will shush you or scold you or the usher will ask you to leave. The only exception was AVENGERS: ENDGAME. Even Brits went crazy and cheered and clapped. But then, Come on, Cap raising the hammer, Facing the Tiatan army alone and saying AVENGERS ASSEMBLE would drive any disciplined guy insane! Period!]

You get 30 annual leaves a year apart from study leave. If you take 5 day leave then the Saturday and Sunday before and after don't count as leave and you get 9 days leave instead of 5. Amazing Innit? Travelling 200 km by car isn't a big deal here and can be completed in 2 hours coz the speed limit on highways is 70 mph=110 kmph. I once drove to Glasgow, Scotland from Manchester, England, 360 km in about 3.5 hours. Started at 5:30 in evening and reached before 9. Sun didn't set till 9;30 pm. That's another funny thing. Days are longer in summer here.
House rent starts at around 450 per month. If u want a furnished house with secure car park then you will have to spend just about 1000 pounds. So, find your pad according to ur wad. Most people who are bachelors live in sharing accomodation, hospital accomodation for a cheaper price. Living in a cheaper place or hospital accomodation will help you save enough to run off to Amsterdam or Southampton or Paris for the weekend. Flight ticket is just 7000rs one way. so..

Milk and eggs cost a pound each. U can find all Indian food materials here provided you travel once a week to buy it. Don't expect spicy food or dal panner at every restaurant. Food is multi cultural. Phone connections offer very little data. After you come here you realise Ambani and Reliance Jio are God's blessing to India. 10 -100 Gb data plans per month cost 15 to 20 pounds PM. Gym membership 20 per month. Wifi connection 15-20. Car on lease 150 [small and simple car] to 400[Merc] pm. Insurance for car another 60-200 depending on the car.

I have come by MCH route and I spend 1/3 of my salary on my house. [Rent, council tax, electricity, water]Needed a proper house coz  parents are planning to visit. Otherwise I could shack up with my wife for a cheaper house. About 160 per month on car, 60 pm its insurance, 20 pm phone, 25 pm gym[I should get off my lazy ass n go work out one of these days], 50 pounds per week for food supplies. Another big chunk [1300 pounds] goes to my MCH fees. I will finish the course in 2020 Dec and will be saving about 1300 pounds per month from then on. My salary will increase every year so.. even that's a prospect.

I will add more links and info as I go and will answer doubts as I can. I may noy answer questions on the blog immed.
I am on facebook, instagram and Twitter as Solomon Saawan Pudi. Msg me and I will try get back to you whenever possible.


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